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Writer's pictureJosh A. Stevens

Hello, World!

No, I'm not talking about Tomohiko Itō's 2019 Sci-Fi romance.

This website has been a long time coming. I've owned the domain name for years, thinking "Someday" before inevitably putting it to the back of my mind as something more important came along. However, I had always intended to stitch together a portfolio website that brings together all of the worlds that I've been a part of. I wanted to paint a complete picture of myself because over the years, I've become all too aware that some aspects of me risk being lost to time, especially given the impermanent nature of the internet. For example, how many people know that I was once the editor of a small gaming website?

Back in the 2010s, I was long-term unemployed due to the country still being buried under the weight of recession, so I dedicated all of my time to writing about two loves of mine, video games and anime. I wanted to break into either money, and honestly had placed my bets on the former. As fate would have it, however, it was the Japanese cartoons that ultimately saw me attain employment, and establish myself professionally.

However, as I've progressed professionally, I've become all too aware of how I'm being left with increasingly less time to spend on my enthusiast writing. My name isn't getting out there any more, which is only compounded by how anonymous an industry like PR can be at times. I wanted to create a record of myself - kind of like a LinkedIn without having to be surrounded by pretentious people making up stories about how a dog gave them a job.

So, what will this website and blog be? Think of it like my story - a time capsule to my time in enthusiast journalism, a record of my career in Film/TV, and a map charting my (hopeful) future as a creator. This blog will share old reviews from the vault, more modern musings, and perhaps even some short stories. There will be a mix of different things. Some of it may interest you, and some of it may not, but they'll all be 100% me.

I hope you stick around and enjoy your stay!


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